Friday, October 30, 2009

Staff YMCA dancers


Rockstar Pumpkin

Here is our pumpkin. Our clues were:

1. My first name is Stacey

2. I sing in a group and I sing solo

3. I am so 3008

Can you guess who I am?

Rocking Out Our Red

Red Ribbon Week News

Wow! Red Ribbon Week is over and we had a great time! We learned about the harmful effects that smoking and drinking alcohol has on our bodies. We watched some cool DVDs about professional athletes and musicians who shared their "natural highs" and discussed our own natural highs. We rewrote the lyrics of a song to include a drug-free message and performed it for the school, and we decorated a rockstar pumpkin for the school's showcase. Our themed days were fun; I like the picture of us rocking out our red in the rockstar glasses! We ended the week with our Halloween celebration. Unfortunately the student vs. staff football game was canceled because of the rain (my knee was thankful), but we always have the student vs. staff bball game to look forward to.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thumbtack Experiment

We are learning about chance events in math. We did this experiment to determine the probability that a tack would land point down. So far we have completed the experiment and collected the data. Now we need to analyze the data and see where it falls on our probability meter.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Here we are testing our reaction time with our grab-it-gauges. We used the data to find statistical landmarks.

model making

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Readers Theatre

During enrichment time, while other kids are in choir or band, the rest of us have been working on our reading fluency with readers theatre plays. The students enjoyed listening to each other, and themselves, on the digital voice recorder.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Moon Journal

I took this picture this summer of a full moon. For the month of October, we are keeping moon journals. Students got calendars on Sept. 30th so they'd be ready for Oct. 1st. Each day they have to look for the moon and draw what they see onto the calendar. Then they circle a.m. or p.m. to indicate whether they saw the moon in the morning or at night. If they can't see the moon because of cloud cover, or they just can't find it, then they are to make their best guess as to what it looks like. This homework assignment is to get us thinking about the moon and its different shapes.